angle of azimuth

英 [ˈæŋɡl ɒv ˈæzɪməθ] 美 [ˈæŋɡl əv ˈæzɪməθ]

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  1. Using "Bryant Angle" of Rigid Body Azimuth Generalized Coordinates for Describing Fixed-point Motion of Taches of Lower Limb
  2. Secondly, the pitch angle is calculated by using the signal of longitudinal accelerometer and azimuth angle is calculated by using the controled angular rate enforced on the stabilization gyro.
  3. The experimental results indicated that this method could effectively obviate the influence of the bias angle, and greatly improve the measuring precision of azimuth for automobile headlamp beam.
  4. The main leaf zenith angle distributions were horizontal and the most leaf azimuth angles were leaning to the south. Application of Azimuth in Orienteering
  5. An improvement of the driver in the angle of azimuth and elevation for detection of hard X-ray in the balloon
  6. The fitting function coefficient is gained by calculating equations or the orthogonal functions family was constructed by recurrence formula. The corresponding coefficient of fitting function was computed, and the relationship between azimuth angle of vehicle magnetic and fact azimuth angle was founded.
  7. Therefore, based on the geometric principle of plane equation being determined and Cosine formula to calculate the angle of two planes, a simple analytical expression among launching azimuth, launching point and goal point are obtained firstly in the Earth centered Inertial coordinates.
  8. Through nu-meral simulation, the variation of P wave elastic impedance with in-cident and azimuthal angle was described; the effect of anisotropic parameters on P wave elastic impedance in arbitrary azimuth and the precision of new approximation formula were analyzed.
  9. The quick section survey system of all station equipment is used for distance and angle survey after the equipment completes inputting of point survey data and setting of back azimuth angle.
  10. On Calculation of Azimuth and Angle of Elevation of the Aerial for the Geostationary Satellite Receiver Removal of Azimuth Ambiguities with Bi-satellite by Multiple Transmitting and Multiple Receiving
  11. The accuracy of angle and range estimation of acoustic localization method based on four-element sensor array is influenced by target azimuth angle.
  12. In order to transform conveniently the directional angle of a geodesic line into the geodetic azimuth, the solution of the meridianal convergence is expressed by geodesic coordinates of this point.
  13. We can obtain the velocity of aircraft and the angle of radar antenna phase center in order to focus in azimuth accurately.
  14. The result shows that the algorithm is efficient for the correction of integrated radiance distortion caused by the flying orientation, scanning angle of sensor, azimuth and elevation of sun, and path radiance etc..
  15. In this document, are discussed the effects of mach number, angle of attack, pitch and side bank angle speeds and blade azimuth position on the airflow stall boundary of articulated rotor of helicopter, and are obtained the formulae for determination of airflow stall boundary.
  16. This paper introduces the method for the synthetic of measuring quiescing goniometry with two autocollimators and precise angle dividing table. The research of azimuth goniometry at ultrasonic
  17. Various methods of angle measurement in MTD radar are reviewed and compared in this pa-per, Comparison result shows that the measurement accuracy of azimuth angle in MTD radar can be im-proved by using amplitude message in coherent integration.
  18. The coordinate transformation technology is adopted to compensate with real time the attitude angles ( rolling angle R, pitch angle P and course angle H) of the swinging ship on the azimuth and elevating axis of the radar antenna in order to stabilize the radar antenna.
  19. At the same time, the arithmetic model of drive signal washout has been designed for pitching angle of aeroplane, and the position and azimuth angle of simulation cockpit can be controlled accurately.
  20. Angle of Elevation Lowest Value Statistic Program of the Sounding Station Apiece Azimuth in Past Year
  21. And, according to the analysis of the partition of high resolution range and angle measurement of monopulse, linear frequency modulation signal with wide bandwidth can enhance the range resolution of imaging; while antenna with narrow beam can enhance the azimuth resolution.
  22. The disciplinarian of transmission light intension, molecule axis rotation angle of LC with magnetic field and azimuth angle between magnetic field and LC box are gaven.
  23. The differences in fluctuating amplitude are quantitatively compared, and an explanation is given by showing the sectional angle of attack and coefficient of lift variation curve with azimuth angle.
  24. The main function of the inclinometer is to measure the angle of inclination 、 azimuth and tool face angle.